Monday, 5 August 2013

With Ubuntu Edge

This isn't my usual post, but it's something I feel strongly about, and would like to support. Ubuntu is the most popular, open source operating system in the world, and is frankly, the best one I have used. (If only Adobe would offer their products for Ubuntu, I would abandon this hunk-a-junk called Windows.)

The fact that the OS is open source, means that you have the liberty to develop, optimize and experiment with it as you please. along with the simple user interface is one of Ubuntu's greatest attributes, the OS is so light you can instal it in less than 20 minutes, and have your device dual-boot between your OS's as you please. In general, its a pretty neat company, with a great policy.

And in keeping with their usual quality, they are developing a phone. I could never do this device justice, so I'll let their own promotional video speak for them.

Can we just take a moment to admire the beauty of the phone?

All I want to do is raise awareness of this project, and help support Ubuntu. They have an Indigogo page where they plan to crowd-source the funds to make this phone. If you are interested click here. And if you do decide to support them, besides the knowledge that you helped the next generation of technology, you get an awesome phone. So if you can, spread the word on this device, and help them out.

Also, if you would like to try Ubuntu OS out for yourself, you can get the file here, and this will help you out with the steps.

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