Saturday, 17 August 2013

With a Book Blogger Hop

Although this is a relatively new blog, I feel like I should be more involved in book-blogger-activities, and get immersed in the community. After doing so, I ran into Ramblings of  a Coffee Addicted Writer, a pretty neat book blog. They hold this Book Blogger Hop where book bloggers answer a certain question, and post a link to their answer on their blog. This way, book bloggers get to find new blogs around the internets. If this tickles your fancy at all, head over to their blog and get to know them.

The question of the week is:
Were you a born bookworm or somebody got you into the habit of reading? 

I guess the question here is basically whether reading is an intrinsic habit of mine, or whether it was instilled in me by someone else. And I have to say, I'm not exactly sure. I was definitely encouraged to read a lot as a child; my family bought me books that gradually grew larger and heavier, and many of my teachers gave me extra books out of the curriculum. This isn't to say that everyone supported my reading. I remember this one teacher gave us a book that we were meant to read throughout the entire semester-I believe it was an abridged version of Around The World In 80 Days. Anyways, I read it in one night, and came to her the next day asking her for a new one. She wasn't thrilled. My parents also instilled a book ban for a couple months because my reading had interfered with my studies and social life. So I was encouraged and discouraged to read growing up. 
At the same time, I remember getting excited whenever I enter a library as a child. How Chip, Biff and Kipper were never enough for me. It was a raw, innate need to dive into the world of books.

So who's to say I wouldn't have become a bookworm without support despite my natural tendencies  And who's to say that my tendency to read wasn't planted in me by someone else. In the end I'm extremely grateful for every factor that went into how I am today.


  1. Great answer...thanks for sharing.

    Have a great day!!

    Nice blog...going to follow you on Twitter. Is there a way to follow by e-mail?

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

    1. Hello! Thank you darling *-* your support is awesome!

      I just added a follow by email option for you.. Let me know if you have any problems with it :)

  2. Interesting answer! Sometimes it's hard to know exactly how a reading habit starts. I guess the most important thing is that DOEs get started.

    I can't believe that teacher wasn't thrilled when you came and asked her for another book! Apparently, you upset her little "schedule" of reading for the class. She should have been happy, and encouraged you! Teachers with such an attitude should NOT be teaching!!

    I'm glad you persisted in reading! It's the greatest habit in the world!! Thanks for sharing your story! : )

    1. Thank you :D

      The teacher was certainly unpleasant.. she made me feel like I did something wrong by finishing it... I'm glad I wasn't too discouraged by her though.

  3. I was also punished with a book ban once or twice in my teenage years, it was awful! I loved your answer here's mine

    I followed you in circles :-)

    1. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one!

      But I guess it was good for me, It only made me more attached to my books :D

      I followed you back :)
